Patent Examination Cooperation Sichuan Center Founded


China's 6th patent examination cooperation center, following by Beijing center, Guangdong center, Jiangsu center etc., the Sichuan center was recently set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province. On October 9, SIPO, Sichuan government and Chengdu government jointly signed an agreement in building this patent examination cooperation center. According to the Framework Agreement on building the Patent Examination Cooperation Sichuan Center of the Patent Office, SIPO and Sichuan province will join hands in promoting the project construction.
At the same day, representatives from SIPO, Sichuan province and Chengdu, jointly signed another agreement on job assignment in the project.
The  Sichuan center is the first one of its kind in Western China. By the end of 2018, the Sichuan center will have 2,000 employees and 110,000 invention applications will be examined each year.

(China IP News)

