Fifth PCT Seminar Tour Held in Beijing and Xi'an


From June 17 to 21, the Fifth Seminar Tour of Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) was held successfully in Beijing and Xi'an, co-sponsored by SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office) and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).

Li Yuguang, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), and Matthias Reischle, Deputy Director of the PCT Legal Division of WIPO attended the conference and gave a speech. Nearly 300 representatives from industry associations, enterprises, scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, and agencies attended the seminars.

In his speech, Li Yuguang said, PCT is an effective tool that cannot be ignored for Chinese enterprises to go out and participate in international competition. Since 1994 when China joined in PCT system, China's PCT development advanced a lot attracting worldwide attention. In 2012, quantity of international applications for China's PCT enjoyed a growth of 13.6%, ranking the fourth place in the world. With the continuous advancement of PCT's promotion in China and the implementation of national intellectual property strategy, more and more Chinese enterprises will apply for patents in foreign countries under the PCT, so as to better participate in international market competition.

It is the fifth seminar tour of PCT co-sponsored by SIPO and WIPO since 2009. Extensive and deep discussions were unfolded on issues such as PCT system and its advantage, submission of PCT applications, priority claims, functions of receiving office and agency, and correcting defects related with application submission. This has brought in new vision and thinking of protecting their own rights in the overall international patent system for enterprises and practitioners.

