Creativity: The Next Generation


“Predicting the future is an uncertain endeavor at best, but that doesn’t keep us from trying. And with ever greater access to information, instant communication, our predictions are becoming more frequent, more outrageous, and more accurate.” On the 13th World IP Day, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)’s focus is on “Creativity: the next generation”.

The increasingly important role played by creativity in promoting social and development is described in this way. “We know, for example, that cars will soon drive themselves. That our sight and speech―eventually our brains―will interact more directly with, and effectively control, our computers, which will in turn become much smaller and be worn on―or inside―our bodies. This will all have a profound effect on how we live―how we think, how we work, how we learn, heal, enjoy,” the article said.

“What used to be science fiction is now fact. But what’s next? What is the future beyond the future? What disruptive technology is now just an idea bouncing around a young engineer’s mind? Who will create the next online sensation that again changes how we talk to each other? What new music will emerge from a garage somewhere to rock the world’s dance floors or unnerve the academy? Who are tomorrow’s great artists and innovators? How are they working; how do they create? And how will they get their creations to market in a world where the game changes, almost daily? The future? Ask the next generation,” the article pointed out.

In 2000, a proposal of designating World IP Day submitted by China and Algeria was passed in the Assembly of WIPO Member States, which decided to designate April 26 as the annual World IP Day from 2001 onwards. China launches its annual national IPR publicity week every year through a series of nationwide activities promoted by SIPO, etc.

  (China IP News)

