Tian Lipu Visits Brazil's INPI and IP Australia


Recently, Tian Lipu, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), has led a delegation to visit Brazil's National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and IP Australia, and also exchanged views with directors of both offices on many issues of common concern.

During his stay in Brazil, Tian had a meeting with INPI President Jorge Avila, and both sides viewed achievements of cooperation between the two offices, and they also identified cooperation plans for 2013. During the visit, Tian also met Valdemar Carneiro Leao, Under-secretary for Foreign Affairs of Brazil, and visited Brazil's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which administers the INPI, as well as the Rio de Janeiro Science and Technology Innovation Park. He also inspected the innovation and technology transfer situation of Brazilian enterprises.

During his stay in Australia, Tian had a meeting with Philip Noonan, Director General of IP Australia, and both sides signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between China's SIPO and IP Australia. Philip Noonan also accompanied Tian on his visit to Garvan Institute, a leading medical research institute of Australia, and the University of Sydney. They also inspected situations of scientific and technological innovations, technology transfer and intellectual property protection of enterprises and universities.


