SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 6th China Patent Week


Distinguished Governor Li Xueyong:

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Good Morning!

Today we are gathering here to celebrate the grand opening ceremony of the 6th China Patent Week in Nanjing. First, on behalf of SIPO and the organizing committee of this event, I would like to extend my warm welcome to our guests who attend this ceremony and I also wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the central government agencies under the State Council, the local governments and other organizers for their generous support for this event.

The theme of this year's patent week is relying on patents and intelligence to protect innovation and change our life. As early as 2006, the central government put forward a strategic development of building an innovation-oriented country at a National Science and Technology Conference, and IPR has exerted an increasingly important role in Chinese economic and social development. IPR now has become a supporting force in accelerating the change of economic growth model and building an innovation-oriented country. IPR index has also become a barometer and weather vane of economic power and competitiveness. In 2011, the number of invention patent applications SIPO recieved outnumbered the U.S for the first time, ranking the first position in the world and accounting for 1/4 of the world's total. The number of PCT applications filed by China has ranked the fourth in the world. By July 2012, China spent 27 years in granting over 1 million invention patents. In the first ten months of this year, SIPO recieved 1.5697 million applications from home and aboard, 1.014 million of which were granted, up 27% and 32% respectively, both witnessed a fast growth.

  In the 2012 National Science and Technology Innovation Conference, optimizing innovation environment and strengthening IPR creation, protection, utilization and administration were put forward. Meantime, the 18th CPC National Congress report pointed out that it's necessary to implement IPR strategy, strengthen IPR protection, effectively allocate and fully integrate innovation resources to ensure the wisdom and strength of the whole society are directed towards promoting innovation-driven development. These requirements provide guidance for the development of Chinese IPR cause. In accordance with these requirements, China should on one hand strength IPR protection and the campaign against IP infringement and counterfeit goods in order to secure the building of a well-off society and an innovation-based country; on the other hand, China should enhance the market players' capability of patent creation and utilization, effectively allocate and fully integrate innovation resources so as to change the economic growth model and achieve innovation-driven development. Under the guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development, SIPO will continue to work out more policies and measures and provide service from the aspects of industry, areas, and enterprises to realize patent leading, resource gathering, effective utilization and innovative drive.

Comrades and friends, the China Patent Week, which has been held successfully for five times, has became a platform of patent knowledge popularization, patent product exhibition and trade, patent system application, patent protection promotion and patent culture cultivation. With the participation of people from all walks of life, China Patent Week is extending its influence. Compared with the first five patent week, the 6th China Patent Week possesses four characteristics. The first one is the expanding scale, which has covered countries in some areas, and the second is the increasing strength of patent protection with establishing a long-term IPR protection mechanism. The third is to embody the power of patent system in intelligence and innovation and the fourth is promoting the development of ecological civilization and patents to serve people and improve people's lives.

Today, the 6th China Patent Week is taking place in Nanjing and branch fields nationwide. Nanjing leaves grand and ardently, while it is also attractive throughout the branch fields. We are convinced that, with the support of central government agencies and local governments, and with the participation of patent practitioners, the China Patent Week will certainly become a significant platform for  the whole society.

I wish the event to be a great success. Thank you!


(China IP News)

