Li Yuguang Addresses Opening Ceremony of the Sino-U.S. Bio-technology Patent Symposium


On October 23, the Sino-U.S. Bio-technology Patent Symposium was held in Beijing. The symposium was jointly hosted by China's State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Li Yuguang, Deputy Commissioner of the SIPO, attended opening ceremony and delivered a speech at the symposium.

Li pointed out that rapid development of bio-technologies has raised higher requirements for China's patent system. The SIPO has made great efforts to handle an increasing number of bio-technology patent applications. China's bio-technology market boasts great potential, and the country has included the bio-industry into the Development Program of Strategic Emerging Industries during the 12th Five-year Plan (2011-2015). Li said he hoped the enterprises could take advantage of the opportunity, explore market potentials and propel development of China's bio-industry.

The symposium was co-sponsored by the Beijing Intellectual Property Office, China Intellectual Property Training Center and the Biotechnology Industry Organization of the United States. Experts of the SIPO and USPTO and enterprise representatives had deep discussions on many relevant issues.

The symposium is one of the cooperation projects of the 2012-2013 annual work plan of the SIPO and the USPTO.

