Tian Lipu Meets With President of Brazilian National Industrial Property Office


On August 1, Tian Lipu, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) met with Jorge vila, President of the Brazilian National Industrial Property Office in Beijing. After the meeting, both sides signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation Between China’s State Intellectual Property Office and Brazilian National Institute ofIndustrial Property Office.

At the meeting, Tian introduced China’s implementation of the national intellectual property strategy, as well as the latest developments about patent application and approval, examiner trainings, and building of patent examination cooperation sub-centers of the SIPO. They also exchanged views on content of the memorandum and discussed many issues including intellectual property cooperation between the BRIC nations.

Tian said both offices, as large intellectual property organizations in the world, shoulder the heavy task of intellectual property cooperation between the two nations. The SIPO attached great importance to the cooperation relationship, and sees a bright prospect for cooperation in a wide range of fields, he added.

The memorandum is the first cooperation agreement between the two offices. It covered many areas including mutual visits of officials, exchange of patent examiners and documentation, as well as cooperation in legacy resources and traditional knowledge. The signing of the memorandum has laid a solid foundation for further deepening cooperation between the two offices in the future.

