2012 Patent Bar Exam Registration Opens


Patent Law amendment conference for advice organized by SIPO opens in Beijing recently. Delegates from the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), the Legislative Affairs Committee of the NPC Standing Committee, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, local intellectual property offices, colleges and universities, enterprises, and patent agencies attend the conference. 

Latest research data shows that 30% domestic patentees have encountered infringement dispute, but only 10% of them take measures to enforce their rights. Hence, patent right protection has become a weak link of the IP protection. To solve problems in practice and cooperatively carry out the Opinions on Further Campaign Against IP Infringement and Production and Distribution of Fake and Shoddy Products as well as establish a long-term mechanism of patent protection, SIPO starts the preparatory work of the Patent Law amendment from the end of 2011. Compared with the former three amendments, this one is well-targeted with "strengthening patent protection and intensifying law enforcement" as its aim. Participants attending the conference expressed their support of the aim and offered their advice on the draft amendment of the Patent Law from different perspectives.

The event has been incorporated in the legislative plan of the State Council in 2012. SIPO has held several conferences accordingly and formulated the draft amendment of the Patent Law and the explanation. Henceforth, SIPO will continue to listen to opinions of parties to ensure a more scientific and reasonable draft amendment.

(China IP News)

