Tian Lipu: IPR is Advancing Social and Economic Development


Addressing the press conference on IPR protection hosted by the State Council Information Office on April 24, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu laid out the country's success in implementing the national IPR strategy in 2011 and lauded IPR's role in boosting social and economic development.

Tian said that the IPR legislative process fared well in 2011. Key tasks on patent norm-setting included submission of the Draft Revision of Regulations on Patent Commissioning (for-review version) to the State Council, enactment of the new version of Measures on Patent Administrative Enforcement, completion of revision of Managing Procedures for Patent Licensing Contracts Recording, invitation for comments for the Measures on Implementing Compulsory Licenses of Patent and Regulations on Patent Marking and Labeling after completion of their amendment.  The Laws on Intangible Cultural Heritage was published and came into force. State Administration for Industry and Commerce(SAIC) coordinated  with the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council to advance revision of the Trademark Law. The 3rd amendment of the Copyright Law is underway. Managing Regulations on Access to and Benefit Sharing of Biological Genetic Resources was finished. In 2011, the National IPR strategy was moving forward and the IPR planning scheme was finished. Ten ministries including SIPO issued the 12th Five-Year Plan on IPR. The 28-membered  inter-agency task force on IPR strategy jointly issued the Action Plan on National IPR strategy 2011 and comprehensively assessed and evaluated the works on implementing the National IPR strategy since it was launched three years ago.

According to Tian, 2011 witnessed effective IPR enforcement and judicial protection by IPR-related ministries in China. To strengthen IPR protection and maintain a fair and orderly market, the State Council further deployed the nationwide special campaign against IPR infringements and production and sales of counterfeit and inferior-quality commodities, issued the Opinions on further Deploying the Special Campaign against IPR Infringements and Production and Sales of Counterfeited and Forged Commodities. A leading group directing the special campaign was set up by the State Council and the long-term IPR protection mechanism was built. During this campaign, administrative law enforcement departments at different levels put 155,900 cases on record, involving 3.43 billion yuan. 2011 witnessed the steady advances in IPR filings, examination and registration and new breakthroughs in terms of quality and quantity. In 2011, China accepted 1.633 million patent applications in total. Among them, 526,000 were inventions. Living invention patent holding amounted to 697,000, 351,000 were from home, exceeded the holdings from abroad for the first time. In 2011, China received 1.4168 million trademark registrations. The software copyright registrations amounted to 109,300. In the same time, IPR international exchanges and cooperation were deepened.


(China IP News)

