1,493 Pass 2011 China Patent Bar Exam


On February 6, 1,493 examiners passed the 2011 China patent bar exam, up 9%. According to relevant regulation, some 188 Taiwan residents took the exam for the first time and 17 residents passed the exam, sources form SIPO said.

It is the 13th exam organized by SIPO and the third one after SIPO unveiling its program for reforming the exam. Some 13,854 patent attorney prospects registered for the exam, up 16.9%. In parallel, the number of exam centers increased from 15 in 2011 to 18, which is an another record.

Through the exam, China further standardized the patent bar qualification approval and facilitates the flourishing of patent bar. As of the end of 2011, 12,291 had obtained patent attorney qualification, 7,220 of which earned their certificate for actual practice in the 869 patent firms.


(China IP News)

