1.633 Million Patent Applications Received in 2011


According to the latest statistics, SIPO received a total of 1.633 million applications in 2011, up 33.6% year on year. Among the patent applications received in 2011, there were 526,000 inventions, up 34.5%; 585,000 utility models and 522,000 designs. SIPO also granted a total of 961,000 patents, up 17.9%, among them, 172,000 were inventions, up 27.4%, 408,000 and 381,000 were utility models and designs, respectively.

As of the end of 2011, China had housed cumulatively 2.74 million valid patents, up 23.6%. In terms of types of valid patents, there are 697,000 inventions (up 23.4%), 1.121 million utility models and 922,000 designs. Among the valid inventions, 351,000 were owned by domestic users, representing 50.4% of the total. China's mainland's invention patents per 10 thousand heads rose to 2.37.

What is noticeable is that in 2011, as a receiving office of the PCT, SIPO received 17,473 PCT applications, up 35.3%. With rapid growth of PCT filings, more Chinese companies are now eyeing on oversea markets and patenting abroad through strengthening their capabilities in independent innovation to improve core competitiveness in the international market competition, according to analysts.

"Chinese patents received and granted in 2011 maintain rapid growth. The structure of the three types of patent applications optimized significantly, in particular inventions. All the promising trend benefited from implementing the National IP Strategy successfully, being highly concerned and vigorously supported from government, developing and announcing effective policy measures, providing reward for local organizations and individuals filing patents and IP awareness being enhanced. China overcame a handful of difficulties and negative impact of international financial crisis. China made palpable achievement in various lines of work which provided a good basis for patent filings ", according to Li Shunde, the director of Law and IP Institute of China Academy of Social Sciences.


(China IP News)

