Living Invention Patents Amount to 680,000


According to the latest statistics from SIPO, living invention patents granted by SIPO had amounted to 684,163 by the end of November. Among them, 342,466 were from home, accounting 50.1% of the total while the rest 341,697 were from abroad. The living inventions from home surpassed those from abroad for the first time.

Numbers showed that living invention patents remained steady growth these years. By the end of November, domestic enterprises held 180,273 inventions, representing 52.6% of the all living inventions from home, up 36.8% and 1.5% than those in the end of 2010 respectively.

Growth of invention creation activity strongly accelerated transformation of economic development mode. By the end of November, inventions per 10,000 were 2.3, 0.6 more than those in the last year. Inventions per 10,000 in Beijing were 26.1 and those in Shanghai were 13.2.

(China IP News)

