China, U.S. Launch PPH Pilot Project


On November 30, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu and Unite States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Director David Kappos jointly announced that the China-U.S. PPH pilot project would be launched on December 1, 2011.

The project is an important symbol of close cooperation between the two sides. Applicants of the two countries would benefit from this project, and the project in turn would improve the work efficiency of SIPO and USPTO, and facilitate technological innovation  in and economic development of the two countries with efficient and high quality examination, according to Tian.

Kappos said that it is a milestone for the cooperation between the two sides. The project will be good for granting patents, accelerating application process and saving cost for applicants through avoidance of duplicative work. In parallel, it also could promote innovation, economic growth and job creation of the two countries.

The project would be implemented under the declaration of intent of SIPO and USPTO for PPH pilot project.


(China IP News)

