Chinese Patent Award Conferred 1,338 Projects in 22 Years


Latest statistics show that since its establishment in 1989, the China Patent Award has gone through 12 sessions and 1,338 awards have been jointly dished out by SIPO and WIPO. In the past 12 years, its credibility, representation, authority and influence has been on the rise. It has played an important guiding role in inspiring the whole society, strengthening China's capacity for self-generated innovations and enhancing the quality and structure of intellectual property rights.

In 2010, SIPO launched a survey on those awarded during the first 11 sessions and results revealed that the guiding role of the China Patent Award obviously worked: 98% of the winning enterprises have rewarded the inventors or designers, 83% have set up patent departments, 90% organized trainings in patent, 56% of the enterprises and 46.5% of the R&D institutions or their supervising authorities have interjected more fund into the winning projects and 12% of the enterprises and 20.9% of the R&D institutions have recruited new talents. Numbers reveal that the sales of the patented products grew 18.6% while year-on-year sales of enterprises as a whole ballooned an average 81.9%.

(China IP News)

