Special Campaign Delivers Throughout the Nation


Latest numbers show that IP system across the nation has yielded fruitful output in the past nine months since the launch of a special campaign on combating IPR infringement and manufacturing and sales of counterfeit and inferior quality commodities, effectively safeguarding rights and interests of the right holders.


Statistics show that, Chinese authorities have exerted their efforts to carry out the enforcement campaign in handling 2,572 patent disputes, dispatching 167,000 officers/times to examine 2.286 million pieces of commodities and seizing over 80,000 goods from October 2010 to June 2011. In addition, they carried out 665 inter-agency and 1,092 inter-regional joint operations.


An exhibition showcasing the achievements of the campaign was recently held on SIPO’s official website of http://www.sipo.gov.cn. Public may also find the link at the websites of the local offices.


 (China IP News)

