Commissioner Tian Lipu Led a Delegation to Attend the 4th Session of Conference for Commissioners of Five Intellectual Property Offices


Recently, Commissioner Tian Lipu of State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.C. (SIPO) led a delegation to attend the 4th Session of Conference for Commissioners of Five Intellectual Property Offices in China, the U.S.A, European Union, Japan and the Republic of Korea convened in Tokyo. Mr. Francis Gurry, Director General of World Intellectual Property Organization sat in on the Session as an observer. Minister Kaieda of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan attended the Session and delivered the opening speech.
The Session heard the latest progresses and achievements of 10 basic cooperative projects among Five Intellectual Property Offices made last year and approved the future work plan. Also, the Five Intellectual Property Offices conducted discussions and exchanges on the sharing of work, patent coordination and other issues.
The Session achieved expected results. The vision of cooperation among Five Intellectual Property Offices to “eliminate the unnecessary repetitive work of Five Intellectual Property Offices, improve the efficiency and quality of patent examination and ensure the stability of patents” was reiterated at the Session. The participants hoped that Five Intellectual Property Offices will be able to gradually and steadily to advance their cooperation on the track of the Vision.  
The cooperation among Five Intellectual Property Offices in China, the U.S.A, European Union, Japan and the Republic of Korea has started since 2007. At present, the 10 basic cooperation programs implemented cover the aspects of patent classification, patent examination and searching strategies, machine translation, talent training, etc.

