SIPO Briefs Multinationals


The State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) held a briefing in late April to summarize its efforts and solicit suggestions from foreign embassies, overseas organizations and multinationals.

Many of those in attendance said they applaud the Chinese government's increasing efforts to fight counterfeits and piracy, especially the ongoing national crackdown that began last October.

Yet some voiced concerns about SIPO's capacity to handle the surging number of patent applications called for in the nation's new Five-Year Plan (2011-2015).

The blueprint envisions that the level of invention patent ownership will rise to 3.3 per 10,000 people in 2015 from the 1.7 in 2010.

Feng Xiaobing, a SIPO official in charge of the patent application section, said the target is the result of thorough research.

"We have confidence in guaranteeing our work's quality in the face of the expected sharp increase," she said.

It was the sixth such annual forum SIPO has organized, a move showing its "open-minded" attitude to transparency in its work, said Wang Xiaohui, vice director-general of SIPO's international cooperation department.


(Source: China Daily)

