Tian Lipu: IPR Strategy to be Continued to Implement in China


On March 9, Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO, when received an interview by CCTV, expressed that China would implement the national IPR strategy unswervingly to arouse social inspiration of innovation and improve the creation, application, protection and management of intellectual property during the 12th Five-Year Plan as it is a period of strategic opportunity for China.

Looking back the development of the 11th Five-Year Plan, Mr. Tian pointed out that one of the national IPR achievements was the important strategic arrangement from the long-term view of the national development made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. The publish of the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy by the State Council on June 5, 2006 symbolized that our IPR work has entered into a brand new stage. Our country was facing enormous pressure of economic transition just in the time of the global economic crisis, which required us to accelerate the transformation of economic development mode. Especially, the implementation of IPR strategy has been playing an important role in building an innovative country and the social economic development. In the latter period of the 11th Five-Year Plan, the whole society, especially the driving forces and abilities of enterprises innovation have been improved energetically.

Tian said, in order to achieve a better development, we should make the transformation of economic mode to depend on more innovative driving influence. It means our enterprises need to create more proprietary intellectual property rights and apply them to every aspect of the economic and social life. Mr. Tian added, during the 12th Five-Year Plan, relevant departments would improve social IPR consciousnesses in terms of legislation, law enforcement, judicial and publicity. Meanwhile, they would continue the special actions to combat IPR violations and manufacturing and selling of fake and inferior products, so as to strengthen IPR protection.

In recent years, with improvement of public IPR consciousnesses, the core of IPR culture idea of "Respect Knowledge, Advocating Innovation, Honest Law-abiding" has been accepted by the public. It is not only upholding the national spirit of self-respect and self-strengthening but also improving the socialist cultural advancement, so as to lay a cultural foundation for an innovative country.

