SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Fourth China Patent Week


Distinguish Mayor Huang Qifan, Distinguish guests:


Good morning!


Today we are gathering here for the grand opening ceremony of the Fourth China Patent Week, which was launched by SIPO and other 30 central government agencies and 31 local governments. On behalf of SIPO and organizing committee of this event, I express my warm congratulations to our guests who attended this ceremony, and I also wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the Government of Chongqing and other organizers.


The theme of this year's patent week is utilizing patent system to promote economic and social development mode transformation, and make China an innovative country. Facing the tasks of accelerating economic development transformation mode, nurturing industries of strategic importance, realizing the goal of energy-saving and emission reduction and developing circular economy, we need to exert the important role of IPR, make full use of patent system and provide a strong support for China to build an innovation-orientation nation. 


This year marks the 30th anniversary of founding of SIPO and the 25th anniversary of implementation of China's patent law. Thanks to the mindful party and government, China has made outstanding achievements in patent law system, patent creation and application capability, IP protection and patent information communication and utilization after 30 years' of unremitting efforts. Meanwhile, a professional personnel team is also formed, which creates a favorable social and law environment for China's economic development and S&T innovation, and provide a rich soil for the budding and maturity of this event as well. Two years ago, the implementation of China National IP Strategy Outline marks that China's IP community has entered a new historical stage. In a bid to implement the outline and make clear the tasks of patent strategy and facilitate the overall development of China's IP community, SIPO has formulated the National Patent Strategy(2011-2020), which will be issued during the event.


Chongqing is the youngest municipality directly under the central government, and also one of the municipalities with the most investment and innovation potential in China. In recent years, Chongqing has made palpable progress in IP works, topping in western region. It exerts the role of patent in industrial restructuring, which contribute a lot to sustain and rapid development of regional economy. The event means a great deal to Chongqing, also the main field of the event, which indicates the city's IP works were affirmed by the government. It would facilitate Chongqing as an IP protection model city, bring along the IP development of whole western region, thus promote social development and the implementation of Western Development Strategy.


Having had three successful experiences, the event has achieved a scale effect and brand effect. On the basis of the previous event, the Fourth China Patent Week will become an national event with its aim to bring IPR to public attention, create a favorable social environment for invention and intellectual output protection, guide the public to better utilize patent system, promote the commercialization of self-innovation. It would also become an important event for presenting national patent works, and revealing the importance of patent system and the development of China's patent community and achievements.


Today, the Fourth China Patent Week is taking place in Chongqing and branch fields nationwide. Chongqing leaves grand and ardently, while it is also interesting activities throughout branch fields. We are convinced that, with the support of central government agencies and local governments, and with the participation of patent practitioners, China Patent Week will certainly become a splendid gathering for patent practitioners nationwide.


I wish the event to be a success. Thank you!


(China IP News)

