The 4th China Patent Week: Local Events


In branch fields, Beijing conducts a series of activities including propping up cooperation among research, education and production, and patent auction. Taking advantages of Shanghai Expo, Shanghai steps up international cooperation by showing patent products in nine major Hi-Tech fields. Zhejiang, Shanxi, Gansu, Anhui, Yunnan and Guizhou facilitate the commercialization of patent technology by providing training course for patent financing. Shannxi, Henan, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Hainan stimulate young students' enthusiasm in starting up businesses and enhance their IP awareness by holding patent fair, industrial design fair and patent training course. Guangdong, Sichuan, Hebei provide IP service for companies there. Jiangsu, Liaoning, Jiangxi, Hubei and Xinjiang organize seminars on patent law and regulation, provide legal aid and launch patent enforcement actions. 


(China IP News)

