Deputy Commissioner Gan Shaoning Led a Delegation to Vietnam


From September 12th to 15th, Mr. Gan Shaoning, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, headed a delegation to Vietnam. The delegation had a talk with Mr. Tran Viet Hung, General Director of National IP Office of Vietnam (NOIP), and some of his officers. Both parties had an adequate discussion with the interested subjects, such as IP legal system and the current situation of law enforcement and protection, etc.

Mr. Gan Shaoning introduced the Chinese system of executing the law and the structure of central and local IP administration, as well as the information of Chinese IP strategy. "Vietnam has enjoyed a rapid economic development since its reform and opening in 1986, while China, as one of the big developing country with the increasing matters of IP", Mr. Gan said, "is interested in exchanging the information and sharing the experiences with rapidly developed economy of Vietnam."
Hung shared the information with the delegation about the process of establishing and completing Vietnam IP legislation system, the IP management system at central and local governments, as well as the protection of traditional knowledge. "It is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Vietnam diplomatic relation, Vietnam IP Office appreciated the SIPO' assistance since the two IP administrations signed the cooperation agreement", he said.

During its stay in Vietnam, the delegation also visited Vietnam Science and Technology Ministry, and got more understanding about Vietnam IP law enforcement system and the function of Public Prosecutor in the system.

