The Forth Singapore-China IP Conference Held in Shanghai


On 25th and 26th August, the Forth Singapore-China IP Conference: Realising the Potential Of Your IP In Singapore And Around, organized by SIPO and Ministry of Law of Singapore, was held in Shanghai.


SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu addressed at the opening ceremony. He said that Singapore is an important trading partner of China in ASEAN, and the Chinese side attaches great importance to the cooperation with Singapore in IP field, so he believed with the deepening of the cooperation, more convenience for economic and trade exchanges, and investment activities between the enterprises of the two countries.


HO Peng Kee, Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Law and the Ministry of Home Affairs of Singapore, hoped Chinese enterprises could take the advantage of the Singapore-China IP Conference as a platform, acquire more comprehensive understanding of IP system in Singapore, so as to promote the learning and partnership with each other.


The purpose of holding this conference was to introduce the Singapore's IP system and the application practice from different views, to promote bilateral IP cooperation and exchange between the two countries.


During the event, Singapore experts shared the latest development in IP system in Singapore, alternative IP dispute resolution, IP protection to foreign enterprises in Singapore, application of IPR and business management, IP online and digital environment, and how to change creative ideas into valuable IPR.


To meet the needs of enterprises IPR practice consultation, business communication activities were arranged for Chinese and Singapore companies on August 26.


Before the conference, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu had a talk with his Singapore counterpart in Shanghai. Both parties reviewed the implementation of cooperation memorandum, discussed the future cooperation activities listed in the memorandum, and also exchanged views of international IP issues of common concern.


Mr. Tian Lipu (left) and Mr. HO Peng Kee (right)

