China-Russia IP Offices Meeting Held in Beijing


Directors from China's State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and the Russian Federal Service on Intellectual Property, Patent and Trade Marks (Rospatent) had a meeting in Beijing on May 17th and signed Memorandum of Understanding on Education and Expert Training of IPR Protection. SIPO Director Tian Lipu and Rospatent Director Dr. Boris Simonov exchanged views on intellectual property legislation and protection of intellectual property rights.

Memorandum of Understanding on Education and Expert Training of IPR Protection includes 10 articles, involving content, scope, methods and financial arrangements of cooperation in intellectual property training. The training agreement isn't limited to Russia Intellectual Property Institute and China Intellectual Property Training Centre, but also provides education and training for counterparts' experts in the field of intellectual property rights. It would expand the training module to the exchange of information and mutual participation in seminars from the other organization. Memorandum of Understanding laid the foundation for the future cooperation of two intellectual property offices on IPR education and training. Through strengthening the exchanges and cooperation in the training and policy research, two offices could further learn from each other and promote bilateral relations.


