National IP Strategy Implementation Promotional Plan 2010 Issued and Implemented


In order to promote the implementation of the National IP Strategy comprehensively in the year 2010, 28 members of the National IP Strategy Implementation Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference conducted joint research and co-developed the National IP Strategy Implementation Promotional Plan 2010 (hereafter refers to as the Promotion Plan) in accordance with the deployment of National IP Strategy Implementation Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference. The Promotion Plan issued and put into practice on March 26th.

Based on the results of the implementation of the strategy in 2009, the Promotion Plan took the current situation and China's development goals into consideration and determined the 2010 priorities in regards to the implementation of the strategy are: fully implement the Outline of National IP Strategy; encourage creation and application of intellectual property; use the law to strengthen IPR protection, consolidate the foundation of the implementation of IP strategy; promote effective implementation of intellectual property strategy; play a great role for the transition of economic development mode and economic restructuring.

The Promotion Plan put forward specific measures in the following nine aspects: to enhance intellectual property creativity, to encourage the application of IPR, accelerate the forming of IP legal system, improve the IPR law enforcement, strengthen IP administration, develop IP intermediary services, strengthen the effort to build up a qualified IP personnel team, promote the construction of an IP culture, and expand foreign exchanges and cooperation in IP industry.

