11th China Patent Awards Announced


The 11th China Patent Awards were announced on February 1, honoring 15 patents with Chinese patent gold medal and 170 other patents with Chinese patent award of excellence. SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu and other leaders presented the awards at the national meeting of heads of IPR administrations.


SIPO and the World Intellectual Property Organization jointly bestowed the gold medals to the patentees. The 15 winning projects including “the recombinant and fusion gene and products of the soluble part of tumor necrosis factor” by Shanghai CP Guojian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., “a ray equipment and method for liquids using in security checks ”by Nuctech Co., Ltd.and Tsinghua University.


SIPO presented certificates to inventors or designers. The 170 winning projects including “a electroluminescence device”, “Large-diameter low-temperature magnetic fluid sealing device”,etc,.


(China IP News)

