Tian Highlights IPR Cooperation at WIPO Meeting


SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu led the Chinese delegation to the 47th Series of Meetings of the Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organizatio(WIPO). Speaking at the meeting, Tian stressed China will increase efforts to cooperate with other member states and take up challenges.


Tian said, China has constantly stepped up IPR protection and made great achievements during the last year. IPR was the systematic safeguard for innovation especially facing the international financial crisis. Building a balanced and effective IPR system shall be an objective for China, and the international community at large.  Countries shall seek solutions via cooperation and in more flexible and constructive fashion.


719 representatives from 157 countries, 13 international governmental organizations and 20 non governmental organizations attended the annual gathering. China retained its committee role in  Coordination Committee, the Executive Committee of the Berne Union and the Program and Budget Committee.


(China IP News)

