Tian Lipu Had a Telephone Conversation with David J. Kappos , New Director General of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office



On Aug 26th, SIPO Director General Tian Lipu had a telephone conversation with new Director General of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office David J. Kappos.

Tian pointed out that both offices had strengthened cooperation in various fields in recent years and these projects went on smoothly. Both offices played important roles in international IP affairs. He eagerly looked forward to having in-depth exchange and discussion with David J. Kappos on relevant issues. David J. Kappos was very happy to have further development and advancement of cooperation based on existing progress. At the same time, he was highly complimentary on the achievements of the third revised Chinese Patent Law and he would like to propose suggestion on the review of the Examination Guideline of Patents.

Tian made active response to this by expressing that SIPO would finish the review of the Guideline in the near future and at the same time make full preparation for the implementation of the new Patent Law. During this process, SIPO would like very much to receive suggestions from U.S. experts.



