Protection for intellectual property became the new topic for discussion at China-ASEAN Forum on Women


This year marks the fifteenth anniversary for the establishment of the dialogue relationship between China and ASEAN and also the year of friendship and cooperation between China and ASEAN.  Taking advantage of this opportunity, the China-ASEAN Forum on Women was held in Beijing, to which, chairwomen of the women's organizations from China, the Laos,  the Philippine and Viet Nam were present at the forum.  Gu Xiulian, vice-chairperson of the National People's Congress, Chairwoman of the All-China Women's Federation and President of the ASEAN Association delivered a speech at the forum.

Gu Xiulian pointed out that "For many years, China and ASEAN countries have conducted extensive and in-depth exchanges and cooperation in the political, economic ad trade, security, social culture, non-governmental contact and other areas, in the process of which, women of China and ASEAN countries have also established friendly relations.  This forum was held on the basis of the friendly exchange and cooperation extensively developed by the All-China Women's Federation with its sister organizations in the ASEAN countries for many years.  At the same time, this forum has also laid the foundation for the establishment of the long-term and stable friendly exchange and cooperation relationship between ACWF and the women and women's organizations of ASEAN countries as well as for their common development.

At the forum, chairpersons of the various ASEAN women's organizations expressed their views on such issues as occupational training of women, protection of the right of women, promoting gender equality, perfecting the policies for the protection of women and so on.  Yue Hua Li Kin Na Wa, Chairwoman of Thai Women's Council said that many women find it difficult to keep balance between the chore of operating their enterprises and managing their family affairs.  At the same time, the enterprises operated by women are usually small in size, lack of capital, and with low knowledge, skill and managerial level.  These are the common thorny issues confronted by women entrepreneurs.  Besides, there are issues such as protection for intellectual property and so on, the settlement of which, require stronger cooperation between
nations as well as regions.  During the seminar, the "Declaration of China and ASEAN Forum on Women" was jointly signed by women leaders of China and 10 ASEAN countries.  The Declaration explicitly put forward 4 focal points for cooperation in the future: Firstly, strengthen the information exchange in the priority areas of women's concern; Secondly, establish or perfect the training facilities for women in China and ASEAN countries and help raise the skills of women; Thirdly, continue to hold the "China and ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Forum" and encourage more women to take part in the development of trade and enterprises (including small and medium-sized enterprises) and Fourthly, conduct the research on the related issues of women, including information telecommunication technology, the latest scientific and technological knowledge and knowledge type of economy.

