Wen Jiaobao: The Chinese side will continue to strengthen the protection for intellectual property


Premier Wen Jiaobao of the State Council met with French President Jacques Chirac at the Great Hall of the People in the afternoon of October 26th.  Wen said that China will continue to strengthen the protection for intellectual property, so as to provide even better environment for the French enterprises to make investment in China.


Wen pointed out that China and France, with strong mutual complementary trade, have good basis for cooperation and great potentials for development.  The Chinese side will, from the height of deepening the Sino-French all-round strategic partnership, attach importance to the development of the bilateral economic and trade relations, promote the bilateral cooperation in nuclear energy, aviation and aeronautics, railways, financial service, environmental protection and other areas, so as to obtain more substantial progress, encourage the expansion of the two-way investment and through the establishment of such means as investment fund, enlarge the dynamics in supporting the small and medium-sized enterprises.  The Chinese side will continue to strengthen the protection for intellectual property, so as to provide even better environment for the French enterprises to make investment in China.


