Formulation of the intellectual property strategy was arranged by the SIPO


A few days ago, Tian Lipu, Secretary of the leading Party members' group of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) held a bureau management meeting of the said group and made a study on the formulation of the state intellectual property strategy.  At the meeting, Tian first briefed the participants on the second meeting of the Leading Group for the Formulation of the State Intellectual Property Strategy which was held recently and relayed the spirit of that meeting.  He also reviewed the background as well as the preparatory work of the meeting.  Zhang Qin and He Hua, both members of the leading Party members' group of SIPO spoke on the formulation of the intellectual property strategy respectively.

The focus of work for the next step is studied and arranged by the meeting as follows: Firstly, we will work harder and do a good job in formulating the "Outline". According to Vice-Premier Wu Yi's explicit requirements, we will earnestly implement the spirit of the second meeting of the Leading Group, further integrate the organizational structure of the Outline Group, assimilate the research results of the various specific groups and determine the thread of thought, framework, structure and other key issues of the "Outline" as soon as possible.  We will submit the sketch of the "Outline" by the mid-January of this year.  At present, we will first concentrate our efforts on the analytic and research work of the relevant contents.  Secondly, the Patent Group and the Intermediary Group will work harder to revise and perfect the General Report.  The meeting set forth the requirements that the Patent Group and the Intermediary Group will extensively solicit the opinions of various units and on this basis, the research results will be revised and perfected.  Thirdly, the Intellectual Property Strategic Office will work harder to implement the spirit of the second meeting of the Leading Group for the Formulation of the State Intellectual Property Strategy.  We will print and distribute the speeches delivered by the leaders concerned as well as the presentations made by the leaders of the units taking the lead as soon as possible.  Meanwhile, the Intellectual Property Strategic Group will actively cooperate with the Outline Group and do a good job in coordinating the work as required.

The meeting also believed that the purpose of formulating the strategy lies in the implementation of the strategy in the range of the entire nation.  Therefore, while accomplishing the formulation of intellectual property strategy according to the prescribed time schedule and with quality assured, we will also think of the implementation of the intellectual property work in advance.

