Standard for the independent intellectual property movable multimedia broadcasting industry was promulgated


An independently researched and developed Standard for the intellectual property movable multimedia broadcasting industry was officially promulgated by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television yesterday.  This Standard is the result of joint development and research of the departments concerned for a number of years. Having full independent intellectual property, this Standard will exert important significance to the development of China's movable multimedia broadcasting industry as well as its national industry.

"The Circular of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Concerning the Release of a Standard on Radio, Film and Television Industry Entitled: Part I of Movable Multimedia Broadcasting: Information Channel Structure, Information Channel Serial Code and Modulation" was issued to all the radio, film and television bureaus of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities under the Central Government as well as the Radio and Television Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and the relevant organs by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television on October 24th of this year.  It is emphasized in the "Circular" that according to the plan for the formulation of the Standard on Radio, Film and Television, the State Administration has organized and examined the relevant items of the Standard. Now this Standard is approved as a standard of the People's Republic of China for the Radio, film and Television Industry.

It is learnt that the Standard is used for the development of the movable multimedia broadcasting business, which will face movable and portable terminals of various descriptions and provide radio and television programs as well as information service.And the implementation of this Standard will fill up the service gap in broadcasting and television in the aspect of movable receiving.

