Wen Jiabao: Active measures to be taken to protect intellectual property rights


At his meeting with the US Secretary of State, Dr. Rice in Zi guangge on October 20 Premier Wen Jiaobao of the State Council expressed, China will take active measures to have more imports from the U.S., encourage two-way investment activities and protect intellectual property.


Wen Jiabao pointed out, Sino-American economic and trade relationship is getting closer and closer, and the mechanism of dialogue between both countries on strategic economic matters has provided a new channel for their better understanding in the economic and trade areas. Under the principle of equality and mutual benefit the Chinese party is willing to further expand bilateral economic and trade cooperation and take positive measures to increase imports from the U.S., encourage two-way investment activities and protect intellectual property rights. He also hoped that the U.S. would, by actual action, release its restriction on export to China and abolish its measures for trade protectionism. 

