Wen Jiabao: Carry out the state strategy of protecting intellectual property


At the opening ceremony and celebration of the 100th China Export Fair Premier Wen Jiabao once again stressed that we shall consummate economic laws and regulations and implement the state strategy of protecting intellectual property.


Wen Jiabao pointed out that we must, in compliance with the rules of WTO, open the market wider, actively participate in the construction of a global multilateral trade system. Open-up is the necessary road towards the modernization of China. Open-up to the outside world conduces to China's development, which is in turn helpful to the development of the world. Under the new situation of deep-going globalization and daily changing of sciences and technologies, China will firmly implement the policy of opening to the rest of the world.


Wen Jiabao stressed that we should improve the laws and regulations involving foreign economic matters, implement the state strategy of protecting intellectual property, strive to create a climate for fair competition, and protect the legitimate interests of various businesses and individuals according to law. We should conduct exchange and cooperation with all countries in different areas so as to create a new phase of mutual benefit and common win, and build a harmonious world.


Wen Jiabao pointed out, Guangzhou Fair is a condensed picture of China's opening to the outside world. The holding of Guangzhou Fair is an important step towards the opening of China. The half century's history of Guangzhou Fair reflects the history of China's opening and displays what new progress and achievements have been scored since the start of reform and opening up, which proves China is on an opening path wider and wider. A pattern of opening China in all dimensions has taken shape.

