Wu Yi: The Chinese government attaches great importance to intellectual property protection


At her meeting of October 12 with distinguished guests present at the 8th China Hi-tech Fair, Vice Premier Wu Yi of the State Council expressed that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property and has taken a series of effective measures to enhance intellectual property protection and create a friendly environment for enterprises to launch self-renovations and encourage foreign business people to invest in China's new hi-tech sector.


Wu Yi further expressed that China is building a resource-conserving and environment- friendly society and an innovation-oriented country, and will vigorously develop the technological renovation industry so as to increase its self-renovation capacity and promote economic structure readjustment and change of growth forms.


It is learned that present at the meeting were Vice President Idi Nadhoim, the Union of Comoros and ministers and government officials of 11 countries including Finland and representatives from trans-national companies and oversea chambers of commerce.

