China will strengthen work on aerospace intellectual property and standardization


The white paper entitled China Aerospace 2006 released on October 12 by the Press Office of the State Council says that China attaches great importance to the building up of its basic capacity of space technology, and will step up its basic construction for the research, manufacturing and testing of spacecrafts and rocket launchers. Support will be given to the construction of key labs of science and technology, and of an engineering research center, and greater efforts shall be made on information work, intellectual property protection and aerospace standardization.


The white paper says, China will press on the construction of an aerospace technology renovation system and guide the reform and readjustment of aerospace technology industry and the transformation and upgrading of its structure so that world-class top aerospace enterprises can be formed at an early date. An aerospace technology renovation system will be actively built up with aerospace science and technology enterprises and state research institutions as the mainstay and with the integration of production, education and research. 


The white paper indicates that China will concentrate its efforts on large aerospace technology projects, strengthen basic research, and prospective planning for advanced technology. Superior force will be gathered to realize a significant leap forward in aerospace technology via breakthroughs in core technology and resource integration. By means of harder basic study in the space area and advanced research into a number of advanced technologies China's renovation capacity of aerospace technology will be increased.


According to the introduction by General Director Sun Laiyan of China National Space Administration, in the coming years or longer, China will launch and continue to implement important engineering projects of space science and technology such as manned aerospace, moon exploration, earth observation system with a high differentiating rate, navigation satellite system for the Bid Dipper, and new-generation rocket launchers. Great efforts shall be exerted to tackle problems that involve the whole situation and key leading technologies and technologies of general character, to command a set of core technologies with independent intellectual property so as to increase China's self-renovation capacity and realize a leap-style development of its space industry.

