Wu Yi chaired the second meeting of the Leading Group for the Formulation of the State Intellectual Property Strategy


Recently, Wu Yi, Member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council and Head of the Leading Group for the Formulation of the State Intellectual Property Strategy chaired the second meeting of the said Leading Group, at which, the formulation of the state intellectual property strategy was researched and arranged.

The meeting listened to the reports made by Tian Lipu, Director of the State Intellectual Property Office, Deputy-head of the Leading Group for the Formulation of the State Intellectual Property Strategy and also Head of the General Office of the said Leading Group as well as by other responsible persons from the related units.  The meeting also studied the relevant issues on the formulation of the strategy. Member units of the Leading Group for the Formulation of the State Intellectual Property Strategy and the responsible comrades in the related units were present at the meeting.

Wu Yi made an important speech at the meeting.  She demanded that "All the departments concerned shall, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the "Three Represents" and with the scientific outlook leading the overall situation, fully implement the gist of the speech made by General Secretary Hu Jintao and shall, in close combination with the construction of an innovation-type of a state, seek truth from facts and be practical and accomplish the strategy formulation task in an innovative spirit and with high standard and high quality."

It is learned that the formulation of the State Intellectual Property Strategy was officially initiated in June, 2005.  In the past one year or so, through the concerted efforts of all the departments concerned, extensive investigation and analysis and in-depth research had been conducted on the development of intellectual property in China and the international situation and initially put forward the objective, strategic measures and safeguarding steps of China's intellectual property strategy.

