He Hua presented a work report to the NPC Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee


Recently, the NPC Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee held its 26th plenary session, at which, reports concerning the implementation of the follow-up work on the Patent Law enforcement inspection were presented by the State Intellectual Property Office and the Supreme People's Court.  Lu Yongxiang, Vice-Chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee was present.  Zhu Lilan, Chairman and Wu Jizhuan, Vice-Chairman respectively of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee as well as other members of the Committee took part in the meeting.  He Hua, on behalf of the State Intellectual Property Office, presented a report on the follow-up work concerning the implementation of the Patent Law enforcement inspection, which dealt with arrangement made for the implementation of the follow-up work to the Patent Law enforcement inspection and the actual situation as well as the recommendations pertaining to the amendment to the Patent Law and so on.

Members present at the meeting made deliberations on the follow-up report concerning the implementation of the Patent Law enforcement inspection, put forward their comments as well as recommendations.  All the members who took part in the NPC Standing Committee Patent Law enforcement inspection gave full confirmation to the report presented by the State Intellectual Property Office.  They held that the State Intellectual Property Office attached great importance to the implementation work, made active arrangement and with adequate measures in place, thus achieving obvious results and that the report was comprehensive and written in earnest, and made an active response to the comments and recommendations raised in the report of the NPC on the Patent Law enforcement inspection.

Lu Yongxiang delivered a speech, in which, he fully confirmed the efforts of the State Intellectual Property Office and the Supreme People's Court in implementing the first stage of work as well as the current report and also put forward requirements for the further implementation of the opinions and recommendations raised in the report of the NPC on the Patent Law enforcement inspection.

The leaders of the State Intellectual Office attach great importance to the opinions and recommendations made by the NPC Patent Law enforcement inspection group as well as the follow-up work.  They have, on many occasions, issued written instructions and made arrangement for the related work by way of convening special topic meetings.  And the relevant departments under the SIPO made earnest studies on the relevant reports of the NPC, actively carried out readjustment by adopting effective measures, and also timely submit the related materials to the superior organs concerning the implementation of the work.  It is learned that the SIPO will complete the Report on the Patent Law Enforcement Inspection and Readjustment by the end of December this year.

