An International Seminar on Intellectual Property Judicial Protection was held in Chongqing Municipality.


Recently, an International Seminar on Intellectual Property Judicial Protection was held in Chongqing Municipality. More than on hundred famed legal experts on intellectual property from China and abroad as well as the Chinese judges on intellectual property gathered together and jointly researched and deliberated on the hot topics in the current intellectual property judicial protection area.

At the opening ceremony, Cao Jianmin, Vice-President and Grand Jury of the Supreme People's Court delivered an address, in which, he said: "China's law courts at various levels and the broad intellectual property judges have come to understand more deeply that the strengthening of the construction of the intellectual property protection system and energetically raising the level of intellectual property judicial protection is an urgent need for enhancing China's independent innovation capability and constructing an innovation new-type of a state; an urgent need for perfecting the Socialist market economic system and regulating the market order and constructing an honest society; an urgent need for strengthening the competitive edge of China's corporate market and the upgrading the core competitive edge of the state, and also an urgent need for expanding opening up and realizing mutual benefit and win-win." 

Cao Jianmin said: "It is clear that the Chinese courts adopt a serious attitude in punishing intellectual property infringement and criminal cases and are firm in strictly protecting intellectual property according to law.  Though China is not yet perfect in establishing an intellectual property judicial protection mechanism, the country is actively and creatively performing its work."

In comparison with the ordinary civil cases, the intellectual property and the other disputed cases that involve technical achievements have the characteristics of high integration of legal issues as well as technical issues.  Along with the fast development of technology, there emerges a strong vitality and flexibility in the intellectual property legal system.  Hence, new situation and new problems come out thick and fast and the areas of examining and deciding a case is also continuously expanding.  For this reason, this seminar will mainly make research on such issues as patent infringement, trade secret infringement, prohibition of action, confirmation of compensation and evidence rules.  They not only involve some outstanding problems jointly confronted by the intellectual property circles both in China and abroad, but also some newly emerged legal problems.

Zhang Weian, chairman of the High Quality Name Brand Protection Committee of the China Foreign Investment Enterprises Association said at the Seminar that as regards intellectual property in the future, even more concern will be paid to the trade secret and patent protection.

