China and Japan will deepen their mutually beneficial cooperation in the protection of intellectual property and other areas


At the invitation of Wen Jiabao, Premier of China's State Council, Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan made an official visit to China from October 8 to 9, 2006.  A Joint Press Communique was issued on the 8th in Beijing by the Chinese and the Japanese sides.  The Communique pointed out that the China and Japan will deepen their mutually beneficial cooperation, focusing on energy, finance, information telecommunication technology, protection of intellectual property and other areas.

Both the Chinese and the Japanese sides hold: "In the past 34 years since the normalization of relations between the two countries, China and Japan have continuously expanded and deepened their exchanges and cooperation as inter-dependence has grown. And Sino-Japanese relations has become one of the most important diplomatic priorities for both countries.  Sustaining the healthy and stable development of the Sino-Japanese relations is in the fundamental interests of both countries. And making constructive contribution to peace, stability and development in Asia and the world is a new and solemn responsibility bestowed upon the two countries by the new era.

The Communique pointed out: "Both the Chinese and the Japanese sides agree that they shall promote the exchange and cooperation at various layers in the political, economic, security, social, cultural and other fields, of which, focal points should be placed on energy, environmental protection, information telecommunication technology and the protection of intellectual property, so as to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation.

