Zeng Peiyan: Push forward Sino-Irish cooperation for the protection of intellectual property


Zeng Peiyan, vice premier of China's State Council who is making an official visit to the Republic of Ireland met with Irish enterpreners in Dublin on September 26 and also delivered a speech.  Zeng pointed out: "Both the Chinese and Irish governments should continue to push forward the liberalization and convenience of trade and investment and strengthen their cooperation in reducing technical transfer barriers and protecting the intellectual property, so as to create a fair, just, sound and open market environment for the enterprises.


Zeng pointed out: "China practices a mutual benefit and win-win opening strategy with foreign countries.  Therefore, strengthening economic and trade cooperation between China and Ireland as well as all members of the European Union conforms to our common interest.  We hope the business circles of China and Ireland will make joint efforts, strengthen exchange and cooperation as regards high and new technology industries and the small and medium enterprises and continuously expand bilateral trade and investment.


Zeng emphasised: Both the Chinese and Irish governments should push forward the liberalization and convenience of trade and investment and enhance their cooperation in reducing technical transfer barriers and protecting the intellectual property, so as to create a fair, just, sound and open market environment.  At the same time, both sides should establish a long-term and stable cooperative partnership, through policy encouragement, financial help and monetary support.  The Chinese Government welcomes the Irish enterprises to increase their investment in China and take part in the implementation of the strategy of developing China's western region and invitalizing northeast China and other old industrial bases.  Meanwhile, we encourage more Chinese enterprises to make investment in Ireland.


Zeng said: "Though China and Ireland lay far asunder, there is very close economic and technological cooperation between the two countries.


Last year, premiers of our two countries proposed that the trade volume of China and Ireland will double that of 2004 by 2010.  To realize this objective, both sides should expand our trade areas, increase mutual investment, enlarge our scope of cooperation and upgrade the layer and level of bilateral economic and trade cooperation.


He pointed out: "China and Ireland should strengthen cooperation in the field of high and new technology.  Ireland is famed as the "Silicon of Europe".  China has also established an adequate industrial base in the field of high and new technology and is rich with human resources.  We hope that the industrial and commercial enterprises,
scientific and research institutes and institutions of higher learning of our two countries will further enhance their exchange and fully play their role in the Sino-Irish Science and Technology Cooperation Research Fund, the EU Foundation etc. and further our close cooperative relation in the fields of information, biology, new materials, energy-preservation environmental protection.  China is willing to share the successful experience of Ireland in developing software industry and bio-medical industry.  We are also happy to conduct fruitful exchange and cooperation with Ireland in the fields of software service exterior packing, information technology enterprise coordination and training of professional personnel.

