Wu Bangguo: encourage invention and creation and develop well-known brands


Wu Bangguo, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the National People's Congress made an inspection tour in Heilongjiang Province a few days ago, at which, he emphasized that "We will speed up the innovation of structure and mechanism, expand the input for science and technology, encourage invention and creation, develop well-known brands, intensify the mainstay role of enterprises in the innovation of science and technology, energetically strengthen independent innovation capability and upgrade the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress towards economic growth. 


Wu Bangguo pointed out: "We will adhere to a scientific outlook for development and use it to guide the overall situation of economic and social development, strengthen  the independent innovation capability, accelerate the pace of structural adjustment, change the mode of economic growth, enhance the building of a harmonious society and push the economic and social development onto the track of scientific development as quick as possible.  We will concentrate our efforts on the change of the mode of economic growth and place the readjustment of economic structure on a more prominent position.  And the focus of our work will be placed on the increase of inventory.  While trying to resolve the problems left over by history, we will further deepen the reform, energetically develop a new round of technological reform with preservation of energy and reduction of consumption as the core.  This will facilitate the readjustment of the existing industrial structure to a high-end.

