Wu Yi: Cultivate a "soft investment environment" by protecting intellectual property rights and otherwise


Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi has called on the six provinces of central China to take the initiative in endeavoring to become a new rising social and economic force in the country.

The development of the central region was a major part of the government's strategic development plan and of profound significance to improving China's opening-up and building a harmonious society, she said at the First Central China Investment and Trade Expo in the capital of Hunan Province.

Central China, comprising the provinces of Shanxi, Anhui, Henan, Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei, should continue economic restructuring to develop an energy-efficient and environment-friendly economy, she said.

They should take the initiative to play a role in the supply chain for multinationals and businesses in coastal regions, accelerate the construction of grain production and high-technology bases, energy, raw materials and modern equipment manufacturing as well as foster tourism.

She called on local governments to cultivate a "soft investment environment" by protecting intellectual property rights and creating a fair competitive environment for both domestic and foreign investors.


(China Daily 09/26/2006 )

