China strives to protect IPR


China will strive to take various measures to protect the intellectual property rights (IPR), said visiting Chinese Vice-Premier Zeng Peiyan here on Friday.

When answering questions from Belgian business leaders, Zeng said China's position on IPR protection was "clear" and the action to fight the IPR infringement was "resolute."

According to Zeng, over the past 20 years, China has set up a comparatively complete legal system for IPR protection and marked achievements have been scored in cracking down on IPR infringements.

The vice-premier listed up various measures the Chinese government will take on IPR protection in the future:
-- to launch more publicity campaigns to promote the awareness of IPR among the general public;
-- to make the IPR laws more sound and take more severe actions to crack down on IPR infringements;
-- to expand communication with other countries and relevant international organizations, and to properly handle the disputes on IPR protection;
-- to improve the bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanism on fighting IPR infringements.

Zeng also told the Belgian business leaders that China will tighten its efforts on environment protection, adding that China will strive to build itself into a resource-saving and environment- friendly society.

(China Daily 09/23/2006 )

