Zeng Peiyan: Encourage undertaking and innovation and promote development of science


At the Forum for the Work of the National Small and Medium Enterprises held a few days ago, Zeng Peiyan, Member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council emphasized that while further promoting the development of the small and medium enterprises, great efforts should be made in upgrading the capability for undertaking and innovation of enterprises, changing the mode of growth of enterprises and improving the exterior environment for the development of enterprises, so as to fully upgrade the competitive edge of the overall quality and market of the small and medium enterprises.

Zeng Peiyan pointed out that the small and medium enterprises are economic entities full of vitality and they constitute an important component of our national economy.  In recent years, the number of small and medium enterprises are rapidly increasing, with their quality being continuously upgraded and their vitality obviously strengthened.  And they are playing an important role in China’s reform and opening-up as well as in her modernization drive.  At present, however, certain problems remain on the part of the small and medium enterprises, such as: difficulties in undertaking and development, rather low overall quality, coarse mode of growth and irrational structure.  We will adopt correct measures to solve them.

Zeng Peiyan emphasized that to promote the development of the small and medium enterprises, we will implement a scientific outlook on development in an all-round way and energetically pushing forward the "four changes".  First, changes should be made from mainly relying on the expansion of quantity to attaching even more importance to the upgrading of quality.  Second, changes should be made from mainly relying on a coarse mode of growth to attaching even more importance to sustainable development.  Third, changes should be made from mainly relying on an unilaterally struggle to attaching even more importance to cooperation and coordination.  Fourth, changes should be made from solely seeking for economic benefits to attaching even more importance to the integration of economic benefits with the performing of social responsibilities.

Zeng Peiyan said: "We will further clarify the orientation for the development of the small and medium enterprises, lead the small and medium enterprises to trail a development path characterized by specificity, meticulousness, uniqueness and newness, and energetically develop the labor intensive industry, modern service industry, equipment manufacturing industry and high-tech industry.  We will actively cultivate colonies of small and medium enterprises, develop county economy and push forward the building of a new countryside.  We will speed up the technological progress and enhance the capability of the small and medium enterprises for independent innovation: deepen the system reform, push forward mechanism innovation, enhance international exchange and expand the scope of opening of the small and medium enterprises.


