Taiwan Region IPR Strategy Seminar held in Tianjin


On September 11, the Taiwan Region IPR Strategy Seminar was sponsored by the Leading Group for the Formulation of the State IPR Strategy (hereinafter called" Office for the IPR Strategy) in Tianjin, Wang Jingchuan, advisor to the IPR formulation work of the state and Zhang Qin, deputy director of the State Intellectual Property Office were present at the seminar.  The Opening Ceremony was hosted by Wen Xikai, deputy director and secretary-general of the Office for IPR Strategy, at which, Zhang Qin and Zhang Shengru, director of Tianjin Municipal Intellectual Property Office respectively gave an address.  Experts from the relevant units connected with the formulation of the strategy including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Information Industry, the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the General Administration for Industry and Commerce, the State Administration of Copyright, the Development Research Center of the State Council, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Higher People's Court and the related comrades from the Taiwan Office of the State Council also participated.


In the seminar, Prof. Liu Shangzhi, of Jiaotong (Taiwan) University, Research Fellow Gu Jinyi of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Prof. Li Fei of Xiamen University and Dr. Zhang Yubing of Beijing United University made key-note speeches, centering around the Status-quo of Cross-strait Economic and Trade Relations, the Evolution of Development of IPR Strategy of Taiwan Enterprises and the Legal Environment and Scientific and Technological Policy of IPR during the Transitional Period of Taiwan Economy, etc.  They also made discussions with the experts concerned.  Prof. Cao Xiaoheng of Nankai University made brilliant comments.  Full of heated discussions, the seminar was of great significance in developing the thoughts for the formulation of strategies, sharing the experience of the development of the intellectual property system under the situation that a labor intensive-type of economy is being transformed into a technology intensive-type of economy or even a service-owner led economy in the Taiwan Region and pushing forward the formulation of intellectual property right strategy. 


During the seminar, the participants also visited the Tianjin Ding Xin International Food Co., Ltd and the Ying Bao Da Information Co., Ltd and other Taiwan-funded enterprises.


