Initiating of the Legal Publicity Week Activity for 2006 IPR Protection


For the purpose of conscientiously implementing the spirit of the important talk made at the 31st collective study of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee by general secretary Hu Jintao, further popularizing the legal knowledge pertaining to intellectual property right protection, enhancing the legal awareness of intellectual property right protection of the entire society and creating a good intellectual property right legal environment and social atmosphere, an activity entitled "Legal Publicity Week for IPR Protection" will be initiated from September18 -24 throughout the country by the State Intellectual Property Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Office for the Popularization of Law and the Office for IPR Protection.


The main theme of this activity is: "Enhancing Legal Sense and Protecting Intellectual Property Right".  And the following four aspects will be highlighted for publicity: 1. China's policies and principled stand pertaining to intellectual property right protection; 2. The Trademark Law, the Copyright Law, the Patent Law, the Regulations for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants and the Regulations for the Protection of Computers and other laws and regulations pertaining to intellectual property right; 3. The interpretations of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate Concerning Some Issues Pertaining to the Specific Applicable Laws in the Handling of IPR Infringement Criminal Cases; 4.The typical case studies pertaining to intellectual property right protection.


Publicity on special subjects will be conducted in broadcasting, TV newspapers and periodicals and networks by the judicial and administrative departments, the office for the popularization of law, the office for IPR protection at all levels and the State Intellectual Property Office, combining the actual work and adopting various publicity measures, so as to make the role of mass media into full play.  Through the development of such activities as IPR legal lectures, knowledge contests, legal counseling and issuing of hanging maps pertaining to IPR laws and regulations as well as publicity materials, it is planned that publicity education will get access to the government departments, villages, communities, schools and enterprises with the objective that the sense of the entire people for IPR protection according to the law be substantially upgraded and the capability of the leading cadres, judicial and administrative enforcement personnel at various levels and the enterprises' operational and managerial personnel for the IPR protection according to law be further upgraded.

