Liao Xiaoqi: China will set up IPR Protection Network


Liao Xiaoqi, Vice Minister of Commerce said that the Ministry of Commerce (MOC)has prepared a special fund for setting up an IPR protection network across China in the coming three years. Mr. Liao, paying a visit to the 2006 China Top 500 Enterprises and Senior Forum held in Zhengzhou on September 2, explained that one of the purposes of setting such a network is to promote some enterprises to have their own IP and brand, and ensure them to be internationally competitive, a target listed in China's 11th Five-Year Plan.


According to the Vice Minister, the network consists of IPR complain and report centers in 50 cities, a platform for dealing with IP evaluation, alarming, complains and reports, establishment of a law enforcement team. Right now, MOC is sponsoring a program with a aim to set up 300 well-known enterprise brands. To these 300 enterprises, MOC will provide support in participating exhibitions, marketing, after-service, increasing their market shares and entering international market. What is more, MOC will start another project to help enterprises obtain more outwork contracts in the coming years. In line with this project, MOC will encourage 100 transnational enterprises to move their outwork to China and foster 1,000 Chinese enterprises specializing international outwork service. The next 3-5 years will also witness the MOC's efforts in further reforming logistic firms, supporting some large Chinese enterprises to own their IP, specialty, well-known brand and international competitiveness.

MOC will simplify their administrative approving procedures, complete its information service, set up a development platform and enforce investment protection, and give full supports to Chinese enterprises in international business.

