Chinese Government to Promote Independent Innovation in Information Industry


In the meeting held on August 29 for scientific and technological innovation in China's information industry, the Ministry of Information Industry (MII), the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) as well as the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST) determined to create a sound policy environment for independent innovation in information industry. They will work together to detail the some supplementary policies concerning the Principle of China's Medium and Long-term Development in Science and Technology in the Period of 2006-2020, and to make out some concrete measures in the fields as finance, tax and IPR.

For further upgrading the innovation ability and realizing comprehensive breakthrough in information technology, the administration department of China makes out following targets by the year of 2010: the overall information technological level will be dramatically improved; abilities in introducing and assimilating foreign technologies and innovating based on the introduced technologies ought to be further upgraded; comprehensive capacity in innovation will be enforced; mastering some core technologies and IP rights; influence in formulating international standards in information industry will be enhanced; development mode and substantial development will rely more on independent innovation.

During the 11th Five-Year Plan period (2006-2110), China will make out a series of supplementary policies in finance and tax to complete a sound policy environment for independent innovation in information industry, promote 13 special projects in the fields like integrated circuits and software, fully implement government procurement and inspiration systems, and support Chinese enterprises to go abroad and to engage in more international cooperation and technological exchanges. In addition, Chinese enterprises will be encouraged to raise their own or absorb more technological talents, or to adopt any other means to speed up their independent innovation.

The three ministries expect to take information industry as breach in China's independent innovation strategy so as to obtain an initiative in its development.

Right now, NDRC is taking the lead in formulating a series of polices to promote software and integrated circuit industries, MII has announced relevant documents, such as Notice on Speeding Up Technological Innovation in Information Industry, Policies on Supporting National E-Information Industrial Bases and Parks, and is formulating Catalogue of Key Technologies and Important Products of Independent IPR in China's Information Industry.

