Zhou Shengxian: to enforce IPR and environmental protection


On August 18, China National Environmental Protection Technology Conference was held in Beijing. Mr. Zhou Shengxian, commissioner of China State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), appealed to enforce IPR protection and wide concern to environmental protection.


When answering how an enterprise to deal with pollution, Mr. Zhou said that enterprises are the main entities of handling pollution and investing in environmental technical research, but also the main users of environmental technologies. Therefore, to encourage more enterprises to develop independent technologies, upgrading their anti-pollution ability and establishing a pollution-control market are of great significance to environmental protection. First all, according to Mr. Zhou, a sound and fair environment for enterprises to compete is quite necessary; systematic barriers should be moved out, IPR protection be enforced, monopoly in various professions and trades or in market be broken up, and the whole society ought to engage into the environmental protection. Secondly, an effective mediary service system is quite necessary, and thirdly, enterprises should be encouraged and guided to upgrade their anti-pollution technological equipment and invest more into technical development.

