IPR Protection Listed in MOC's Symposium Agenda


The Third Summer Symposium of the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) was recently held in Dalian, Liaoning Province. Entitled as “China's Opening Strategy, International Trade and Relevant Policies in the New Period”, the symposium had a total of 19 topics, including how to change growth mode of economy and trade, expand domestic consumption and build up modern circulation system, etc. Intellectual property right (IPR) protection was listed in the topic line. 


According to the observation to the first and second symposiums held in Qingdao (2004) and Sanya (2005), the topics listed in this kind of symposium are always the urgent problems MOC is considering or MOC will do. In the symposium last year held in Sanya, for example, the topic about brand strategy was discussed, in 2006 MOC then sponsors a series activities to promote Chinese brands. 

